
登记 is required for campus visits. 如有任何问题,请推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 visit@ese-design.com or 308-865-8526.

Want to take a look at campus before you visit? 查看我们的 照片和视频库 去感受一下正规博彩平台.

a campus tour guide shows off a residence hall



  • 上午9:30及下午1:30(2小时)
  • Learn about important admissions information
  • Take a walking tour of campus with a current 正规博彩平台 student
  • See a co-ed residence hall and view a typical room
  • Optional: dine on campus in the Nebraskan 学生会 (with meal voucher provided)


an instructor and student working on a virtual skeleton


9月. 18, 2024

If a healthcare profession interests you, then our Health Careers Fair is an exceptional event for you to discover the possibilities. Hear from professional school representatives and learn about programs, scholarships and other opportunities at 正规博彩平台. 参加是免费的. Check-in begins at 8:15 am and the event begins promptly at 9:00 am. Sign-up early as this event fills quickly!



欢迎来到正规博彩平台, Lopers的主场! You'll find lots of places on campus to meet friends, 休息一下学习, 或者停下来拍一张完美的照片. 无论是标志性的钟楼, “洛珀”雕像, 或者喷泉, you'll always find beautiful spaces to unwind and inspire.