
主修或辅修国际研究的学生经常在各种各样的政府机构中寻求实习机会, 非政府, 教育, 专业, 和面向业务的. 这些课程可以在美国或国外进行,学生可以获得最多6小时的正规博彩平台学分. 实习是 normally student initiated and require approval of the Program Director. 作为一个项目,我们支持学生提高技能和未来市场竞争力的愿望. 本页提供了一些可能对国际研究学生感兴趣的实习的不完整列表. We ask students to inform us of other sites that we should add to this list.

Council on US-Arab Relations

Student interns at Council on US-Arab Relations

NCUSAR is offering an Internship Program in Washington D.C. for the 夏天 of 2017. 这个项目提供了许多不同的好处,如学术、专业和个人发展. 这种经验将全职工作经验与平行的学术研讨会和对联邦政府中央机构的实地访问相结合, national security policy making, and international diplomacy and business over 10 weeks. 这次实习将使学生能够与从事与改善阿拉伯-美国关系各方面有关的职业的专业人士进行互动. 



CIS海外帮助学生配对实习机会和最适合他们的出国留学经历. Browse through their many different partner locations and internship/study abroad options. "We provide innovative education programs that broaden academic perspectives, promote global awareness, 鼓励个人发展,同时为参与者成为积极参与的世界公民奠定基础。”.



IES实习提供无薪、全日制的暑期实习项目 13个位置 and full-time semester internships in 五个位置. In addition to IES实习 programming, IES Abroad offers 无薪, 兼职学期和暑期实习,以补充留学课程在多个 25个城市 世界各地. While full-time 夏天 internships are 保证, part-time internships are not. Internship locations include: Australia, Ireland, Germany, Spain, and many more. IES also offers Internship opportunities within the Unites States. 



"Are you passionate about MEDLIFE? Are you an active citizen who values community involvement? 如何讨论社会问题,并发挥积极作用,创造明显的差异? Then join the MEDLIFE call-to-action to make a positive change!". 地中海的生活目前正在寻找以下领域的实习生职位:志愿者事务, 医疗项目, 媒体, 和扩张.


一心之源 实习

“一颗心源目前正在接受2017年开普敦体验式学习项目的申请, 南非. 明年夏天,我们将提供各种为期1周、2周和4周的志愿者项目和实习. 作为一名“同心志工”,您将:为正规博彩平台学习和就业获得国际经验, Develop skills in international communication, mentorship and community outreach, Mentor students to achieve academic growth and cultivate lasting relationships, Immerse yourself in local communities and broaden your global perspective, Collaborate with groups of university students from 世界各地".


撒马利亚人的钱包 Internship

“撒玛利亚救援会全球实习计划为大学生和应届毕业生提供了一个机会,让他们用自己的技能以切实的方式影响这个充满伤害的世界. 无论是在北卡罗莱纳州的国际总部,还是在全球各地的办事处, 年轻的专业人士将体验到国际非营利组织的复杂运作,同时成为以耶稣的名义帮助影响世界的更大呼召的一部分。”.


“Sandhills实习将学生的才能和就业机会结合在一起,通过与学生的学术职业兴趣相关的临时工作经历. Sandhills为本科生和正规博彩平台提供各种领域的带薪实习机会. 这些职位提供了实习到毕业的机会,以及毕业后潜在的就业机会。”. Internship opportunities include: 业务 and Communications, 公司销售, 市场营销, Bilingual International 市场营销, 人力资源, 和销售. 



"Want to live and learn on organic farms worldwide? Want to share your life with other like-minded people? WWOOF是一个全球性的运动,将志愿者与有机农民和种植者联系起来,以信任和非货币交换为基础,促进文化和教育体验, thereby helping to build a sustainable, 全球社区. 作为一名志愿者(或者我们称之为WWOOFer),你将和你的主人一起生活,帮助他们完成日常任务,体验农民的生活. 作为一个主农场,你将打开你的家,接待来自你自己的国家或国外的游客,他们想要与土地建立联系,支持有机运动。”.

历史 and Public Policy Program at the Wilson Center


历史和公共政策项目(HAPP)在春季举办实习生和研究助理, 夏天, 秋季学期. 实习生在威尔逊中心现场工作,并将支持HAPP项目,如冷战国际历史项目(CWIHP)。, the North Korea International Documentation Project (NKIDP), and the Nuclear Proliferation International 历史 Project (NPIHP). Applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate or masters degree program, have graduated within the past year, or have been accepted to an advanced degree program in history, 政治科学, 图书馆学, or related field within the next year.

实习是 无薪, 虽然我们确实为实习生提供了根据项目要求获得学分的机会. International students are eligible, but they must hold a valid F-1 or J-1 visa at the time of application and appropriate work authorization.



Started by students for students, BUNAC has been providing worldwide working adventures to young people since 1962. We are the UK’s largest, a级5级签证担保人,并提供政府授权的交流,使来自非欧洲经济区国家的学生和应届毕业生能够在英国实习, 以及在许多其他国家提供专业实习机会.

As the job market narrows, 海外工作经历或实习经历是一名优秀毕业生简历的重要组成部分. Travel overseas can be a daunting experience, but with BUNAC的 与学生合作的专业知识及其丰富的旅游经验,是学生可以依靠的 BUNAC的 staff to provide guidance and support before they leave the USA, in addition to the full support services throughout their stay overseas.



海外实习生总部目前在哥斯达黎加提供短期和低成本的实习项目, 秘鲁库斯科(), 和危地马拉. Internship opportunities are available in Healthcare (Medical, 牙科, 物理治疗, 心理学), 小额信贷, 非政府组织的支持, 旅游 & Hospitality, Youth Development & 教育, Environment & Wildlife Conservation (and more). Entry-level options are available from just a minimum duration of two weeks.

Our internship programs additionally include a guided reflection course, based on an experiential learning model. Weekly reflection modules are provided and each introduces a new topic, presents learning objectives, and provides specific prompts to inspire the journaling process, along with personal and 专业 development.

这种方法的目的是解决发音方面的挑战,并建立与个人相关的联系, so that learning is understood and integrated as it relates back to an intern’s own life, 目标, 和观点. (据广泛报道,对海外学习经历更投入的学生,就业和个人幸福感更积极。).